Thursday 17 September 2009

The Grip

It ain't about money, it's about freedom and the strategies that support it.
For example, my life coach and I have very different strategies to fulfill similar values. He is a workaholic and thinks, or rather his "protective character" thinks that anything that interrupts his work threatens his life. My protective character (i.e. PC for short) thinks that anything that interrupts my play time threatens my life. His PC thinks that "by working I survive". My PC thinks that "by playing I survive". We both realize that by being more like each other we would have a more effective balance. He has resistance to having more fun in his life and I have resistance to having more work in mine. I'm allergic to that word "work". This is why I don't see Life Coaching as work but as liberation and this is why I feel good about my 101 days of freedom.

When we have a big enough why, we'll change but the why has to be linked to our highest values! Why? Because we don't procrastinate on what inspires us... on our top values. There is no lack of commitment there! Commitment = freedom, when it's to my highest values. That's what it means to "let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love" - Rumi.

I feel like I could write a book about my "condition" but that will not change my blueprint. Its reprogramming my beliefs and associations and taking action that does it. This is the 20% that brings me the 80% of my desired outcomes. So the 7 main actions I have committed to taking in these 101 days are;


Reframing - I've recorded empowering thoughts I believe in along to some uplifting music which I listen to while jogging, doing house work or driving. Thoughts like "Thank you for investing in fun, freedom, love and self respect! Long term Gain rocks!!"

Gratitude - 5min. Write and/or review i) What is going well in the most important areas of my life (i.e. my finances)?. ii) What if this situation was for me, devinely designed for my upliftment, learning and growth? iii) What are the positive aspects of this challenge, for what we focus on expands, innit!

Visualization - 15min. Enjoying the process, using all five senses to create a vivid, emotional and exiting experience! This is a superb way to reset my financial thermostat and it also addresses the crucial habit of starting with the end in mind for long term gain brings me fun, freedom, love and self respect while short term gain costs me fun, freedom, love and self respect. Besides... everything is and was created twice. First in the imagination and then in reality!

Meditate with Holosync binaural beats audio technology - 30min. "The lazy man's way to meditate deeper than a Zen monk, instantly!". By Bill Harris from The Secret.

Doing 1st things 1st - Number 1 priority is always self love followed by asking questions such as
"What's my relationship with the present moment?" (i.e. with my life, since my life is always now. If the answer is something like "I don't mind what's happening" then I am free)
"Am I treating now as an obsticle, a means to an end or an enemy?"
(The moment I see the dysfunction, it begins to dissolve and the rising awareness is consciousness),
"Am I activating what I want in this moment or am I focusing on something that doesn't allow me to have what I want?" and
"What are the most important outcomes in the most important areas of my life today, this week, this month, this year?".

Listening to my intuition and following my inner knowing. It may feel like it hampers my style at times but sure enough, it PAYS!!! I am FREE to act upon the wisdom of the smartest part of my psyche! One of my fav affirmations is I am following my heart and I'm celebrating love. After all, it's all good, it's all God right? Love is everything and everythign is love so lets feel the fear and do it anyway! (i.e. What would my higher self suggest right now, today?)

Better Feeling Thoughts (BFTs) - an ongoing process of minding my self talk, thus my focus for it is not what happens to me that makes me feel one way or another but my thoughts about what happens to me. This addresses the habit of taking responsibility for my internal state and for manifesting more of what I really want for when I am practicing better feeling thoughts, I feel better and thus more aligned with Source energy which means I am more aligned with the art of allowing. Here is a wonderful article by Joy Idries that expands on the relevance and power of BFTs

There is one more daily activity which is worth mentioning and only takes 5 minutes and that is to review what worked and what didn't. :)

p.s. And here is a finished version in myspace

The Grip

Look at me, can you see,
I was happy as can be
With my head
in the sand
How long have you been, holding my hand

Who's life is this
What did I miss
I was happy in ignorant bliss
There was no plan
I understand
I've been flying, now I must land

I've been running from the land of milk and honey
For fear of getting stuck in the grip for money
Someone told me a story under a setting sun
You can go chasing money but you'll miss the fun

Who whispering
Then disappearing
Who sneaked in through the back door.
Who's hands are these?
I'm on my knees.
I don't know who I am any more.

I've been running from the land of milk and honey
For fear of getting stuck in the grip for money
Mama told me a story under a setting sun
You can go chasing money but you'll miss the fun

And then it came a new picture in the frame.
My emancipation from her pain.

It's just a game. It's just a name
We can play along now. Lets bring it on

------------------------ x ------------------------


  1. Love this song....WHO ACTUALLY WROTE's so good !!

  2. I am glad you like it Evane! Diva and I wrote it and I still remember when we came up with the last piece for it and how we hugged in his kitchen for it was not easy to write but we love it. =O)
