Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Hairlo again!
Ok... current update. My 101 days of self love coming up next week will focus in one of my areas of interest. Money. Or maybe a better term would be prosperity, or even life for if I don't get some money, I don't eat and if I don't eat I die. Actually, it's more than that. It's a 101 days of FREEDOM! I'm reprogramming my default destination because it's clear that it is not taking me where I want to go! In other words, its about change at the unconscious level!!! It's about re-programming my mind to take me to where I want to go! That's Freedom!!!!

When I was still very young I adopted beliefs like “rich folk are sour, always working and they don’t know how to have fun”, “life without fun is no life” and “I rather poor and happy like my mum”. These beliefs led me to unwittingly conclude that since making money requires work and work is boring, poverty would be my perpetual state because I wanted to enjoy life. My father was the first man to do brain surgury in
Bolivia and my mum was a “nobody”. And yet, I felt greater affinity with my mum, her family and friends who were “peasants”, as my dad used to call them. I saw money like my mother did, as a key symbol for the ego, used to control and put others down, a source of problems and fighting and I concluded that I couldn't strive for wealth and be happy at the same time. I ended up rationalising that money is NOT IMPORTANT compared to things like FUN, FREEDOM, CONNECTING, SOCIALISING, FRIENDS, EXITEMENT, HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT, PARTYING & HAVING A GOOD TIME. Money simply paled into insignificance compared to these! I didn’t review the quality of my thinking about money until now and simply preceded making decitions based on erroneous conclusions. DOH!!! Off course money can be fun for it supports life and if I don’t get some money, I don’t eat and if I don’t eat, I die.

I believe in creative visualization as an amazing tool when it comes to practising the art of allowing and I have commited to visualizing mon-fri, so 5 times a week for at least 15min. I shall listen to a guided visualization audio program that I recorded some time ago and I shall see, hear and feel the sights, sounds and feelings of my wish fulfilled. I know this will inspire me to practise doing 1st things 1st and to focus on my high priority financial to do's regarding. I am exited by the prospect of becoming an accredited life coach by my next birthday and I know that the more responsibility I take for this one area of my life, the more fun, freedom, respect and love I shall manifest and that is what I want. DOH!

One more thing, poverty is missing out. Freedom is LIFE! Life is ENERGY!. Wealth is an expression of my spiritual desire for true independence. Money is congealed creative energy and just like the ocean is in every wave, this life force is part of the greatest creative energy of ALL - This is what we are talking about. Not wealth or health but THE ULTIMATE IN CREATIVE ENERGY!!! E=MC2 YES indeedee!!!! And M stands for Money and for Mass (as in our physical bodies) It's all about energy. Energy is Life! This is not about money but about unpresedented freedom, energy and life for me. After all, I can have what ever I want in life, as long as I am willing to pay... attention. If I fail to pay attention to what I really want, then I will experience pain. This is one of the most important lessons in life!

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